BA/MA Program for UChicago Undergraduates

A detailed overview of the BA/MA policy in the Social Sciences Division is available on the Division’s website. Any questions about CIR can be directed to Student Affairs Administrator Sabrina Biggus.

The dual BA/MA program is a four-year program and is distinct from the UChicago Advanced Scholars (4+1) program, which takes five years to complete.

Degree Requirements

BA/MA students are strongly encouraged have completed all College Core requirements before their 4th year. During the BA/MA year students must meet all MA degree requirements in CIR during the dual enrollment year, including:

  • Two core seminars
  • Three courses in one area of study
  • Three courses in a second area of study
  • A faculty-approved MA thesis

The Committee on International Relations allows BA/MA students to count prior coursework towards their program distribution requirements. This does not mean students can take fewer graduate level courses during their BA/MA year, but does allow them increased flexibility in designing their MA curriculum. For example, if a student has previously completed 3 courses that are listed as meeting requirements for the CIR field of study “Research Methods in the Social Sciences”, even if they enrolled in the undergraduate section, they would need only complete three courses in their second field of study. Their remaining four graduate courses could be for any field of study. All BA/MA students must successfully complete 9 graduate courses during their joint year regardless of whether prior coursework is being used to satisfy the program distribution requirement. Students with questions should reach out Lindsey Weglarz, Assistant Dean of Students.

Double-Counting Logistics

By default, the 9 MA-level courses can be double-counted as general elective credit towards the bachelor’s degree. BA/MA students may choose instead to double-count MA courses towards BA major or minor electives or requirements, with department approval. Questions regarding double-counting or degree logistics should be directed to Lindsey Weglarz, Assistant Dean of Students.

It may be possible to write a single thesis to meet requirements for both the MA degree and the undergraduate major. See the Division of the Social Sciences website, and request a petition from the Student Affairs Administrator in the MA program. Please note that students anticipating this should confirm their major approves when securing approval to apply to the BA/MA.

All BA/MA students must meet all BA requirements and graduate by June of their fourth year. BA/MA students may complete their thesis and graduate with the MA in the August. BA/MA students must graduate with the MA in August or they cannot receive the MA.

Application Process

Before beginning an application, potential BA/MA students should schedule an appointment with Lindsey Weglarz, Assistant Dean of Students, to discuss eligibility and degree logistics.

Please see the Division of the Social Sciences for application requirements and process. BA/MA students can apply during any of the three application rounds, but we strongly encourage applying during Early Action or Round 1, as Round 2 is on a space-available basis only.

In addition to the standard application requirements, you will need to provide the following additional forms which you must upload to your online application:

Tuition and Aid

BA/MA students are assessed graduate level tuition but retain their College financial aid package. They are therefore not eligible for funding from MAPSS. Interested students should speak with their financial aid advisor if they have concerns regarding their aid.

Odyssey Scholars: Please contact Assistant Dean of Students, Lindsey Weglarz, for more information regarding aid.