Kenneth Pomeranz
Kenneth Pomeranz Office: Social Science Research Building, room 218 Mailbox 111 Phone: (773) 834-4247 Email Interests:

State, Society, and Economy in Late-Imperial and Twentieth Century China, Global Economic History

University Professor of History

Yale University, PhD' 88

Professor Pomeranz's work focuses mostly on China, though he is also very interested in comparative and world history. Most of his research is in social, economic, and environmental history, though he has also worked on state formation, imperialism, religion, gender, and other topics. 

He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, American Council of Learned Societies, the Institute for Advanced Studies, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and other sources. His current projects include a history of Chinese political economy from the seventeenth century to the present, and a book called Why Is China So Big? which tries to explain, from various perspectives, how and why contemporary China's huge land mass and population have wound up forming a single political unit.

Learn more about Professor Pomeranz.