Departmental Colloquium

2024-25 Series

Angela Garcia

Abstract: Undocumented Mexican adult caregivers face multiple binds from contemporary US migration governance. Major federal public benefits programs have long excluded them, while the steady militarization of the US-Mexico border has cut off circular migration just as an infusion of interior enforcement has brought deportation threat to their doorsteps. With few viable legal channels for visas, people who manage to cross from Mexico without authorization are sealed into the United States, a country that has not enacted a major legalization since 1986, despite its dependence on immigrants to sustain labor markets and community life. As a result, of the estimated 10-11 million undocumented people in the US, the average adult is 39 years old, likely born in Mexico, and has lived without authorization for 15 years, transitioning from young adulthood to middle age. How do these immigrants manage the constraints of “illegality” as they engage in unpaid caregiving for children and aging parents across borders and over time? Theorizing the temporalities of immigrant “illegality” through the case of domestic care work, I draw on three waves of longitudinal data from 51 undocumented Mexican adults to chart the emergence of an undocumented “sandwich generation,” wherein middle-aged immigrants provide care for their children and, from afar, for parents aging in communities of origin. This study illuminates the many ways that “illegality” moves with immigrants across time, impacting domains as intimate as domestic care work. Rather than produce static or flat effects, the oppressive weight of “illegality” constrains caregiving differentially, and in accordance with the life course-related needs of care givers and receivers embedded in the structural realities of US migration governance. 

Aidan Seale-Feldman

Abstract: In 2015, the central region of Nepal was struck by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and 7.3 magnitude “aftershock.” The disaster claimed over 9,000 lives and inspired a brief shock of humanitarian care for the mental health of Nepali people. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in the aftermath of the earthquakes, this talk explores what disaster generates, and the relationship between crisis and care along a Himalayan fault line. As crisis claims pushed mental health into the center of public discourse, over 300,000 “beneficiaries” received mental health and psychosocial support, many for the first time in their lives. Grasped through the frame of crisis, previously unexceptional forms of chronic suffering were momentarily transformed into problems worthy of concern. While humanitarianism enacted forms of violence when suffering was met with transient care, brief encounters between counselors and clients also created unexpected possibilities—to discover novel treatments, to visualize different futures, and to experience solidarity and gentleness. By holding this dynamic in tension, this talk offers a reparative reading that attends to both the limits and possibilities of transient care in times of disaster.

Dalal Katsiaficas

Multi-Method Understandings of Civic Engagement & Identity among Immigrant-Origin Emerging Adults: Reflections During Politically Contentious Times

Abstract: Immigrant-origin emerging adults in the U.S. are developing during politically contentious times.  Facing unprecedented instability with regards to precarious immigration policies, increasing xenophobia and racism alongside worsening inequality in the U.S. shapes their daily experiences. Underappreciated, however, are the ways in which immigrant-origin emerging adults actively resist these oppressive forces as they navigate the multiple systems they encounter and innovate new configurations of identities, communities and ways of being in the world.  This presentation chronicles the work of myself and my team over the past decade to understand the positive development of immigrant-origin emerging adults living “on the hyphen” and in response to these interlocking crises. Drawing from multiple methods (i.e., national quantitative dataset of undocumented college students, Participatory Action Research with immigrant-origin emerging adults, and pluralistic qualitative analysis of visual and verbal narratives), I will discuss the interplay of civic engagement, identity and resistance to oppression, as well as the strengths immigrant-origin emerging adults hold to shape their lives, their communities and our broader society.

Sharese King

Sociolinguistics Paving a New Path to Criminal Justice Reform 

Abstract: Sociolinguistics has been at the forefront of social justice efforts within the broader field, since the inception of the subdiscipline. Sociolinguistic analyses have established that for speakers whose voices are racialized as Black, such identification can invoke linguistic prejudice and discrimination, having harmful consequences for African American Vernacular English (AAVE) speakers. Such consequences for speakers of stigmatized varieties include housing discrimination, being passed up for promotions, making less money than their Mainstream American English-speaking peers, having a less accessible and culturally-sensitive education, and impaired doctor-patient. Acknowledging such bias, this talk examines how linguistic prejudice extends to criminal legal contexts. Through a multidisciplinary approach drawing on discourse analytic, experimental, and computational methods, I illuminate how linguistic scholars can contribute to both criminal justice reform and theorizations of race with a lens on courtroom language practices which reinforce Blackness as other or criminal, and Black language as inherently unclear, inarticulate, and incomprehensible. 

Eleanor Paynter

Emergency in Transit: Witnessing Migration in the Colonial Present 

Abstract: Our contemporary age of migration is also a time of “crisis,” with movements from the global south to the global north perpetually framed in emergency terms. This talk focuses on how crisis responses to migration shape experiences of border crossing and reception in Italy. A crucial port of arrival, Italy is a site where these discourses are intimately tied not only to arrivals by sea, but to racialized notions of national identity and a general lack of reckoning with colonial history. Paynter's talk will draw on her new book, Emergency in Transit: Witnessing Migration in the Colonial Present (University of California Press, 2024), which posits testimony as crucial to understanding how this “emergency” operates, and to challenging its racializing, exclusionary tendencies. Drawing on testimonials from ethnographic research—alongside film, media, and visual art—Emergency in Transit interrogates the colonial, racial logics that inform emergency responses to migration. Paynter centers the witnessing of Black Africans in Italy to examine the media, discourses, policies, and practices that shape lived experiences of migration well beyond international borders. Emergency in Transit reformulates Europe's so-called "migrant crisis" from a sudden disaster to a site of contested witnessing, where competing narratives threaten, uphold, or reimagine migrant rights.